CANView is a tool for viewing CAN bus data. It can view live data when connected to a suitable tool, or can view saved log files in a few formats.

It is a cross-platform tool, provided by Yacht Devices.

The latest version is 1.40, released on 5 August 2021.

On Ubuntu 22.04, it fails at startup, with the message

./CANView: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Investigation shows that, indeed, libpng12 is not installed; libpng16 is installed; and libpng12 is not available for installation.

A version of libpng12 is available for Ubuntu 22.04 from Launchpad, created by Linux Uprising.

I could not install this using dpkg, as it complained about a conflict. However, a .deb file is really just an archive file of some sort, and can be opened using an archive viewer. I used file-roller to extract and a symlink

  • Download CANView

  • Unzip somewhere

  • Change the executable flag on CANVIEW/Linux/CANView

  • Download libpng12

  • Extract and the symlink libpng12.s0.0 into the same directory as the Linux executable

  • Run CANView, pointing the library loader to the directory that has libpng12. Assuming that libpng12 and CANView are in the current directory


Supported log file formats

  • .CAN,