The matrix server has been running for many months now. It is time to update. The process was seamless.


  • python package matrix-synapse is installed using pip, in a virtual environment owned by user synapse. See [link-tbd] for details of the installation.
  • services are controlled using systemd


In one shell, start watching the log-output to check for problems during shutdown and restart

  cd <synapse_dir>
  tail -F homeserver.log

In a different shell, watch the service status

  watch -n1 systemctl status matrix-synapse

In a third shell, do the open-heart surgery

  sudo systemctl stop matrix-synapse

  cd <synapse_dir>
  sudo -u synapse  .venv/bin/pip freeze | sudo -u synapse tee pip-requirements-2022-06-17-1.txt
  sudo -u synapse  .venv/bin/pip install -U --upgrade-strategy eager matrix-synapse
  sudo -u synapse  .venv/bin/pip freeze | sudo -u synapse tee pip-requirements-2022-06-17-2.txt

  sudo systemctl start matrix-synapse


  • Keep a record of the pip-installed packages both before and after installation, to see what has changed.